Friday 25 April 2014


Hello and welcome to Fish I've Thrown Back. Your first question upon reaching this blog may well be (and probably should be!) why is it called what it is? Simply because this blog is going to document a year in the world of first dates which are arranged through my use of an online dating site. Lots of friends I've spoken to and things I've read in the media, refer to these dating sites as being another way of reaching all those other 'fish' in the dating pool you wouldn't have met otherwise.

After two not so brilliant dates in the past week, I decided not to see either guy again, and my dad came up with the concept of these two guys being 'fish I'd thrown back into the dating pool'. It was then my mum's idea, after hearing some of the anecdotes from my two dates, to write them down and then blog about them, as they made for some interesting and funny stories. And as online dating has gained so much popularity in recent years I thought her idea was genius, and would be a perfect way of interacting and connecting with and entertaining fellow 20-somethings in the online world without having to date any of you who might be reading this ;)

So here it is....after consciously avoiding the dating scene for a year or so after getting my heart broken, I decided 2014 was the perfect time to get back on it and to try out the infamous world of online dating. I'm going to share my journey with you, and hope that, whether it persuades you to or dissuades you from trying out online dating; you still find it an entertaining read. Thanks for stopping by!

1940s Girl. x

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I would love to hear from you, especially if you have any experience of or advice on online dating you'd like to share with me!